=== Ultimate Responsive Image Slider === Contributors: weblizar Donate link: http://www.weblizar.com/ Tags: slider, slider plugin, best slider plugin, image slide show, responsive slider, image slider, wordpress slider, slider widget, responsive image slider, theme slider, post slider, page slider, free slider plugin Requires at least: 3.8 Tested up to: 4.7 Stable tag: 2.9.8 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Add Fully Responsive Image Slider To Your WordPress Blog == Description == Ultimate responsive image slider a fully responsive slider plugin for WordPress blog users. You can add infinite image slides in a single slider using multiple image uploader. You can publish unlimited slider on your blog. Images slider has various settings like customizable height and width, auto play slides, slide thumbnails, navigation buttons and much more. You can configure each slider setting individually and accordingly to you. You can show slider within the Page or Post content. Using **[URIS id=123]** shortcode, you can publish image slider on any Page or Post in your WordPress sites. **Free Plugin Demo:** [Ultimate Responsive Image Slider Free Demo](http://demo.weblizar.com/ultimate-responsive-image-slider-free/) > **Free Plugin Features** > > * Fully Responsive Slider Plugin > * Multiple Image Uploader > * Add Unlimited Image Slides Into Single Slider > * Show Multiple Sliders Into Single Page / Post > * Image Slider Setting Dashboard > * Enable/Disable Slider Title > * Enable/Disable Slide Title > * Enable/Disable Slide Description > * Enable/Disable Navigation Bullets > * Enable/Disable Slide Thumbnails > * Customize Thumbnail Position (New) > * Customize Thumbnail Width And Height (New) > * Auto Height Option (New) > * Label And Description Colour Settings (New) > * Added Font Style (New) > * Customize Slider Distance (New) > * Slider Order - Ascending , Descending and random (New) > * All Major & Latest Browser Compatible (IE, Chrome, Firefox) > * All Major Device Support > * Multilingual Translation Ready > * Drag And Drop Image Position ### Ultimate Responsive Image Slider Pro Features: A Perfect Responsive Image Slider plugin for WordPress. Contains 5 types of slider layout. Tested on all browser like Chrome, Mozilla, Safari, IE etc.. > * Fully Responsive Slider Plugin > * Multiple Image Uploader > * Add Unlimited Image Slides Into Single Slider > * Show Multiple Sliders Into Single Page / Post > * Image Slider Setting Dashboard > * Enable/Disable Slider Title > * Enable/Disable Slide Title > * Enable/Disable Slide Description > * Enable/Disable Navigation Bullets > * Enable/Disable Slide Thumbnails > * All Major & Latest Browser Compatible (IE, Chrome, Firefox) > * All Major Device Support > * Multilingual Translation Ready > * 5 Slider Layout > * Unlimited Color Scheme > * Touch Slider > * Full-Screen slideshow > * Thumbnail Slider > * Lightbox Integrated > * External Link Button > * Carousel Slider > * All Gallery Shortcode > * Each Gallery has Unique Shortcode > * Drag and Drop image Position > * Multiple Image uploader > * Shortcode Button on post or page > * Unique settings for each gallery > * Auto Play Pause > * Customize Thumbnail Position > * Slider Orientation - horizontal and vertical (New) > * Slider Order - Ascending , Descending and random (New) > * 500+ Google Font Style (New) > * Customize Thumbnail Position (New) > * Customize Thumbnail Width And Height (New) > * Auto Height Option (New) > * All Browser Compatible > Ultimate Responsive Image Slider Pro is very flexible and compatible with all devices like iPad, iPhone, smartphone etc. > #### **Live Demos** > * [DEMO : Layout 1](http://demo.weblizar.com/ultimate-responsive-image-slider-pro/) > * [DEMO : Layout 2](http://demo.weblizar.com/ultimate-responsive-image-slider-pro/slider-layout-2/) > * [DEMO : Layout 3](http://demo.weblizar.com/ultimate-responsive-image-slider-pro/slider-layout-3/) > * [DEMO : Layout 4](http://demo.weblizar.com/ultimate-responsive-image-slider-pro/slider-layout-4/) > * [DEMO : Layout 5](http://demo.weblizar.com/ultimate-responsive-image-slider-pro/slider-layout-5/) > ### Plugin Admin Features The Plugin has extreme Admin dashboard. Plugin settings are very easy and user-friendly. With Multiple Image Uploader you easily add multiple images in seconds > ### Try Ultimate Responsive Image Slider Pro Demo: [Live Demo](http://demo.weblizar.com/ultimate-responsive-image-slider-pro/) > > ### Try Ultimate Responsive Image Slider Pro Admin: [Admin Demo](http://demo.weblizar.com/ultimate-responsive-image-slider-pro-admin-demo/) > >### Upgrade To: [Ultimate Responsive Image Slider Pro](https://weblizar.com/plugins/ultimate-responsive-image-slider-pro/) > > If you have any question contact us at here: [Plugin Support Forum ](http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/ultimate-responsive-image-slider) == Installation == 1. Upload the entire **responsive-image-slider** folder to the **/wp-content/plugins/** directory. 2. Activate the plugin through the **Plugins** menu in WordPress admin. 3. Create new gallery, Use **[URIS id=123]** shortcode to publish your image slider into any page or post. == Screenshots == 1. Slider Preview Above Content 2. Slider Preview Between Content 3. Slider Preview Below Content With Bullets Navigation 4. Slider Preview With Thumbnail Navigation 5. Slider Preview Without Bullets & Thumbnail Navigation 6. Slider Preview With Custom Height & Width 7. Slider Preview With Custom Height & Width 8. Slider Preview With Content & Without Bullets & Thumbnail Navigation 9. Slider Preview With Thumbnail Navigation Two 10. Add Slide Images Through Plugin Media uploader 11. Slider Settings For Individual Slide Show 12. Slider Shortcode Copy Widget Within Plugin Dashboard = Docs & Support = If any support required then post your query in WordPress [Plugin Support Forum ](http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/ultimate-responsive-image-slider) = We Need Your Support = It is really hard to continue development and support for this free plugin without contributions from users like you. If you are enjoying using our Responsive Photo Gallery plugin and find it useful, then please consider to write your positive [__Feedback__](http://wordpress.org/support/view/plugin-reviews/ultimate-responsive-image-slider). Your feedback will help us to encourage and support the plugin's continued development and better user support. = Translators = Please contribute to translate our plugin. Contact at `lizarweb (at) gmail (dot) com`. == Frequently Asked Questions == Please use WordPress [support forum](http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/ultimate-responsive-image-slider) to ask any query regarding any issue. == Changelog == For more information, see Weblizar(http://wwww.weblizar.com/). V 2.9.8 - compatible upto wp 4.7 V 2.9.7 - update = 2.9.6 = * update = Version 2.9.5 10/10/2016 = * plugin version update = Version 16/09/2016 = * update = Version 27/05/2016 = * other plugin conflict fix * shuffle setting fix = Version 11/04/2016 = * small updates = Version 11/04/2016 = * Minor updates = Version 06-Feb-2016 = * Minor testing and updates = Version 06-Feb-2016 = * HTML tag display fixed = Version 2.9.4 02-Feb-2016 = * Removal of Non-required section of codes. = Version 2.9.3 28-Jan-2016 = * Powered By Removed * Plugin Tags updated * Post data sanitized * Escaping all output data * Removed external link = Version 2.9.2 27-Jan-2016 = * Removed external link = Version 2.9.1 30-12-2015 = * Small Update = Version 2.9 18-11-2015 = * Slider Jquery version updated * Slider CSS version updated * New Setting Added - slide order, slider thumbnail resize, thumbnails position, thumbnails, Slider width option, slider height option, auto height, slide distance * New Added Font Colour Scheme * New Added Font Styles * Compatible with Wordpress 4.4 version = Version 2.7 11-09-2015 = * Compatible with wordpress 4.4 beta version = Version 2.6 29-10-2015 = * small changes in code = Version 2.4 26-10-2015 = * Resolved long description in safari. = Version 2.3 19-10-2015 = * Small bug fixed = Version 2.2 12-10-2015 = * Small design bug fixed = Version 2.1 28-09-2015 = * Add Alt tag in slide images = Version 2.0 21-09-2015 = * Compatible with wordpress 4.3.1 * Small bug resolved. = Version 1.9 02-09-2015 = * New : Add Import/Export Settings = Version 1.8 01-09-2015 = * Small Update in admin bootstrap css = Version 1.7 11-08-2015 = * New Feature: Slide Translation Speed Setting * New Feature: Slide Translation Effect Setting * New Feature: Custom CSS Setting * Improvement: Delete all slide button * Fixed: Now you can embed the slider shortcode in any theme file and sidebar or footer widget * Compatible with wordPress 4.3 version = Version 1.6 10-07-2015 = * Resolved font of image titles is shrink problem for responsive views (safari). = Version 1.5 07-07-2015 = * Fixed small bug = Version 1.4 08-06-2015 = * Compatible with WordPress 4.2.2 version * Small changes in code = Version 1.3 21-04-2015 = * Compatible with WordPress 4.2 version = Version 1.2 31-03-2015 = * Resolved capitalization issue of title * New Added hide/display slider title field setting * Change design style of slider title * Add Margin at bottom of slider = Version 1.1 19-03-2015 = * Resolve Slide Title and Description layout problem for small container * Resolve Admin panel conflict with another plugins = Version 1.0 04-03-2015 = * This is first and basic version of slider plugin.